On the morning of the Fourth of July I ran the Fairport firecracker four mile road race. I ran the course in 32:45 which is a full four minutes quicker than when I last ran the same race in 2022.

The run (like every fourth of july race ever) was extremely warm. I got out to a real quick start despite most of the hills being on the first half. By the second half of the race the heat and the hills began to take their toll and I slowed down a bit. Even with a race as short as four miles, apparently you can’t just go all out the entire way. Still and 8:11 pace is a good amount quicker than I usually run or train at, and almost as fast as my pace for St. Greg’s which was a shorter race in better running weather.

Four miles is an unusual racing distance, but I do believe that this is my fastest four mile race ever.